“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.”
1 Peter 4:10

“Each of you has been blessed with one of God’s many wonderful gifts to be used in the service of others. So use your gift well.”
1 Peter 4:10

Alice Eloise’s Silver Linings is the story of a silly, playful Double Doodle pup named Alice Eloise who dreams of becoming a service dog for her best friend, Sarah Kate. No matter how hard she tries, she just can’t tame her natural silliness into the serious respectability that service dogs so often possess.
This adorably irresistible pup introduces children to the purpose and importance of a service dog’s job. Sarah Kate believes in Alice Eloise, encouraging her to look for the “silver linings” whenever she faces a challenge. Woven throughout this real-life love story are the universal themes of staying “pawsitive”, being yourself, and never giving up. Readers will follow Alice Eloise as she overcomes obstacles in her efforts to become a service dog, looking for silver linings along the way.
This uplifting read will inspire readers to look beyond a challenge they are facing and find reasons to smile!

As you may have guessed, Sarah Kate has a story to tell. Due to a complicated succession of serious illnesses, her life has followed a unique and difficult path. But hold on just a second! As dreary as that might sound, Sarah Kate has been blessed with an optimistic outlook, allowing her to find happiness in even the simplest things. Always keeping Sarah Kate smiling is Alice Eloise, her faithful, yet silly, Double Doodle service dog and best friend. While Alice Eloise knows how to be a hard worker, she is also a perpetual puppy and loves to play any time she has the chance.
Her fun personality makes this adorable dog simply irresistible. Together, Alice Eloise and Sarah Kate look for silver linings while they take on life’s challenges. Join them on their journey as they go on adventures with a smile and a tail wag, making friends and finding joy wherever their paws may take them.