“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10
Last night, when everything was so very overwhelming for Sarah, Frank arrived. By this time, Sarah had been in the recovery room for a couple hours, and all the fine attempts at pain control were failing. Frank was calm and compassionate and really knew his stuff. It was truly a most miraculous blessing to watch God’s grace being administered through the hands of this His servant and an immense relief that Sarah finally found relief. In conversation, Frank shared that he goes to the hospital chapel each night to pray for patients. How cool is that. God’s love in His people is so very amazing.
This morning I am thankful for Angel Frank, and Angel Bob, and Angel Linda, and Angel Brenn … and for all who cared for and prayed for Sarah. Getting her through procedures is complicated and takes an extraordinary amount of effort.
Sarah is very weak (more so than I have seen in a while), but she is resting peacefully. It will be a little while before she is up to her planned birthday festivities … but hopefully it won’t be too long. (I’m thinking that this has bought her a bit more time with that dusty Christmas tree in our house … as she fully intends to strategically position her hospital bed with the best possible view … Oh how I love that crazy little elf!)
When Sarah is inpatient, I pass the time on my computer … something I seldom find the time for at home. Last night, I realized that Sarah launched her blog 5 years ago on her 22nd birthday. Many emotions resurfaced as I read that initial post. A lot has happened over the 15 years of Sarah’s medical journey, but the message of God’s love and faithfulness is forever the same.