I’m a Dear of a Reindeer… Why Don’t I Fit In? – A Prayer Request

So where are we now? Well, to be specific, we are in Springfield, Illinois. And why are we in Springfield, you might ask? Why, we are on our next wild and crazy adventure, of course. Woohoo. Or, perhaps more accurately, boohoo.

But no, really it’s a blessing that I am here… But a rather roundabout blessing at that.

Let’s rewind a bit. Since February, my central line has gradually migrated out of place as the tissue around it deteriorated. So now I am looking at the same problem that has led to the demise of my last few lines: The cuff that keeps the catheter in and infection out has once again slipped outside of the exit site.

Last fall my beloved surgeon, Dr. Molik, transferred from Mercy in St. Louis to a different hospital. And while there are most certainly a number of other surgeons at Mercy, I am, as one might say, complicated. And so Dr. Chismarich, my palliative care specialist, has worked so diligently to find the right surgeon for me. The only remaining pediatric surgeon at Mercy is very busy since Dr. Molik relocated; and I am admittedly, yet unavoidably, a high-maintenance 24-year-old, so unfortunately he was unable to accept me as a new patient. Strike 1. Next, my parents, Alice Eloise, and I met with a very kind vascular surgeon. I simply loved him. But he only places Hickman lines rather than Powerlines, the type I have always had. Although I was willing to try a Hickman, he ultimately felt that it was too high risk for me. Strike 2. And the only doctor in the hospital who places Powerlines has an unwavering principle that he will not replace a line until it won’t function. He has valid reasons for this rule, but with me, nothing is quite so black and white. Strike 3. I’m out.

This central line of mine? It’s quite literally my lifeline. 24 hours a day, it is doing the very important job of keeping me kicking. If it were to stop working or to fall out entirely, I would be in a hypoglycemic crisis PDQ, with no access to my total parenteral nutrition (TPN) and medications to keep me stable. That’s all kinds of bad news I would much rather avoid.

Just as I was beginning to feel like I may as well join Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer and his dentist elf friend Hermey on the Island of Misfit Toys, God sent a spectacular blessing that rerouted those magical travel plans into a journey that was a bit more feasible.

We received an email from Dr. Chismarich, sharing the incredible news that my former surgeon, Dr. Molik, would be happy to do the surgery at her new hospital in Springfield. What a relief! Although it isn’t easy for me to travel that extra distance, there isn’t a surgeon in the world who I could trust as much as Dr. Molik. Awesome doctor, awesome person. I am so beyond grateful! And as for anesthesia? Dr. Chismarich sent all of the information regarding my magic protocol, so now I am just hoping and praying that the anesthesiologist will be comfortable administering it.

With Dr. Molik directing my care, I can trust that I will be well taken care of. But nevertheless, it is pretty unnerving stepping into a new, unfamiliar hospital for the very first time. So please pray for a successful surgery, compassionate doctors and nurses, pain control, and no paralysis! Thank you, friends!

And so that is the story of how we found ourselves here in Springfield. My surgery is scheduled for tomorrow morning, bright and early. Because we have to be at the hospital at the buttcrack of dawn, Mama and I are having a slumber party at a hotel nearby tonight. Otherwise we would have to rise and shine practically in the middle of the night to get here by 6 am. Sadly Alice Eloise isn’t tagging along this time. Although puppy love is the very best medicine, she isn’t allowed in the operating room and there isn’t much she can do to help me with postoperative issues. And at such times my family tends to be busy enough without scouting for Doodle potty opportunities. But I just can’t wait to be back home with my sweet puppy! Tomorrow my papa will be here as well, and I am particularly excited because my big sister Krista will be joining us, too! Since my surgery will be so early, it is doubtful that I will see those two beforehand. But if all goes splendidly, Krista and I just might be shopping online for our 2015 Christmas jammies post-op! ‘Tis the season!

*Sigh* I am really, really tired. And I would like to get a full night’s sleep before I take an epic nap tomorrow. And if that means going to sleep at 7:30, so be it! Sweetest sugar plum dreams to all, and to all a good night!


PS Happy 2 year Service Dog-iversary to my best friend! I love you with all my heart and even more, Alice Eloise!

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